Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bob Diaco Hired By U.C.

We've been dancing around this for a week, and now it's official. U.C. has hired Bob Diaco to be the new defensive coordinator. Diaco replaces Joe Tresey who was forced out last week. Diaco was the man U.C. wanted, but the contract was put on hold while U.C. President Nancy Zimpher was dealing with her new job at S.U.N.Y. Once the contract was approved it spent a couple of days in U.C.'s Human Resources Department, and now the process is complete. I'm told Diaco is getting the biggest contract ever for a U.C. assistant, so the President had to sign off on it.
Diaco was recently appointed Virginia's defensive coordinator after spending 3 years with the Cavaliers as linebackers coach and special teams coordinator. His time under Virginia head coach Al Groh was a valuable learning experience. Groh is a direct disciple of Bill Parcells and has a complete inner knowledge of Parcell's approach to the game and approach to the 3-4 defense. That knowledge of the 3-4 is what landed Diaco at U.C. My kid knows someone who played at Eastern Michigan when Diaco was there, and the player loved Diaco. He could easily be head coach in the not so distant future. Diaco obviously made a good impression when he coached under BK at Central Michigan in 2005. He is a native of New Jersey and played linebacker at the University of Iowa. He was All-Big Ten twice. As I said last Wednesday, the new U.C. coordinator is a guy who would make Prince Rupert proud. Prince Rupert was known as the "ultimate Cavalier." Below is Diaco's coaching resume' as it appears on the Virginia web site.

Coaching Experience

Iowa (Grad assistant)
1996 Alamo Bowl

1997 Sun Bowl
Western Illinois (running back/special teams)
2000 I-AA Playoffs
Eastern Michigan (linebackers/secondary)

Western Michigan (linebackers/special teams)

Central Michigan (co-defensive coordinator/linebackers)

Virginia (special teams coordinator/linebackers)

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